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Fight your way out

I am gonna teach you an easy way to get out of the red bags without much spending…

When do we call a red bag? For me it starts from -12% so I’ll take this as example.

Original value%Current Value
First position100 euro-12%88 euro

What we are going to do is we are going to wait till the bot buys another position of the bagcoin.

Second position100 euro0%100 euro

Now we are going to split the first position

First positon50 euro-12%44 euro
First position50 euro-12%44 euro

Now we are going to merge on of the first (splitted) position together with the second position

New positions150 euro-4%144 euro
Second half of first position50 euro-12%35 euro

Repeat this way for the second half as well and you will be out off the red bags in no time…

Real example, on 06-04 I bought a position of STRAX, after 10 days it was at -12%.
(Date 16-04) My hopper just bought a new one.

Now we are going to merge the smallest and highest value:

Now the new position is -4%, after a drop of 12% (bought the new position after the first position dropped by 12%) After such a drop we can expect a small pump again, this is where we take advantage.

To make sure we get a sell, we are going to lower the standard ARM TSL and TSL of 1,7 – 0,5 to 1,2 – 0,2

Results after 1 day, as you can see on the top I merged at 16-04… sold with profit on 17-04 almost at the highest point from the small (rebount) pump.